Patient insurances verified. 

Insurance payments posted.

Waiting for your first patient to arrive.

It's not a dream.

US-based customer service and support that takes 
care of insurance so you can take care of your patients!

plans verified 

Since 2018, Dental Office Support has verified dental insurance plans to help you optimize treatment acceptance, reduce claims follow-up, estimate insurance reimbursement and patient portions more accurately. 

appointments verified.

We work your schedule one week in advance to eliminate any surprise from returning patients.  No more surprises from patients arriving with a new insurance card in hand or delays from claims filed to the wrong carrier.

sick/vacation hours

 We show up.
On Time.
Every day.

US-based customer service ensures you and your team have the best experience possible.

Insurance Posting 
Claims Management 

Dental Billers with an average of 22 years experience to get it right the first time.

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Posting, Claims & A/R Activity Reports

Better pricing than qualified competitors
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